What I Learned From Starting a Coding MeetUp

Recently, I started the “Learn to Code Dublin” MeetUp. While several other fantastic groups operate in the area, most of them appear focused on intermediate-level tech talks or expert-led mentorship. Both of those models are fantastic and fill a particular niche, but it meant that some new coders might not find their way into a community.

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npm install make-me-a-dev

Where does originality come from? If (like me) you're starting out in web development, you may be wondering how some developers seem to come up with brilliant ideas on a regular basis. Or maybe you're just wondering how you can create some dazzling and creative design to show off your skills.

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Dev Journey Thoughts - Starting a Coding MeetUp

I've been craving community, and a way to connect with others who are on the journey to becoming a developer. Despite living in a large city, it's been hard to find an already-existing group that seems to hit all the targets. So, I thought I'd create a MeetUp to try and spark a new community.

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Making a Project My Own

I would't say that I'm trapped in tutorial hell, but I am working through a series of resources that are teaching me more of the ins and outs of web development. Today was a #Javascript30 day, and I decided to make the first proejct in the series—the drum kit—my own.

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