About these Notes

Welcome to the "mind garden" portion of this site. If you haven't heard of a mind garden in the past, it's essentially a personal wiki that's used to "think in public." The idea stems from conversations around personal knowledge management (PKM) and the concept of atomic notes. If you search for personal knowledge management, you're most likely going to stumble upon several communities devoted to note-taking. This might strike you as weird, but I promise, there's some worthwhile concepts lurking beneath the shiny marketing veneer of many writers.

I'll be providing some additional details concerning PKM as I develop this section, but there are enough resources out there that cover this in depth. One exemplar is the very-suavely crafted site of Andy Matuschak. But I'll be primarily looking to build a set of resources focused on development...and occasionally some rhetoric mixed in. My private note system is built in Obsidian, and from there I've selectively pulled material onto this page. Use the links below to have a look around.

Welcome to the Garden